Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Perfect Day...

Chrissie and I had a perfect day in Chicago. We hopped aboard the South Shore at 9:30 a.m. and stepped off at Millenium Station shortly after 11:00 a.m. (thanks to the Central Time Zone). The sun was shining bright in downtown Chicago and luckily the "windy city" was good to us on Saturday. We did a little shopping and then arrived at Petterino's for our noon reservation. We had a wonderful lunch surrounded by tables of happy theater-goers.

After lunch, it was a leisurely walk across Randolph Street to the Cadillac Palace theater .

I don't think Chrissie stopped smiling all day - except for some tears she shed during the performance.

Jesus Christ Superstar was everything we expected. For me, it was as great on the fifth time as it was the first. And as far as Chrissie was concerned - well let me just say that she was still going on and on about it four hours later as we road the train home.

After the theater, we grabbed some gourment popcorn at Garret's and then walked to Millenium Park to watch the ice-skaters and take pictures of the "bean".

Here we are - reflected in "the Bean".

We bid goodbye to Millenium Park, did a little shopping and hustled our way back to the train station with about two minutes to spare. We munched on our Garret's popcorn and relived our fantastic day all the way home to South Bend.

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