Wednesday, September 17, 2008

It's Official

My baby got her driver's license yesterday. That's it. The last one. We've had to set down some rules. The car goes from our house to the high school and back for the first few weeks. (Of course I think there may be a slight detour on the way to include Ben's house). I said a little prayer yesterday as I watched her drive away - and asked my dad (her guardian angel) to ride along with her.

Here's a photo I took of her right after she obtained the proof of her legality. Does this kid know how to "cheese" or what??!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just had to tell you that Mark was really wishing we had some of those orange cones to put out last night when Kelli came over! He was really wanting to tease her! I said a prayer when she left last night too. I guess being a mom means worrying about all the kids.