Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Girl's Varsity Softball.... breaking the piggy bank. Kevin played baseball at Clay for four years and I don't remember boys ever worrying about matching jackets and matching sweatshirts and matching under-armers and so on and so on and so on. As for girls - it's a "team thing". So, they've ordered Columbia jackets with "Clay Softball" embroidered on them and they've ordered purple under-armers for playing on these COLD spring days, and they've got matching sweatshirts and sweatpants. AND then of course, she hits me with this at 6:30 a.m. - less than 48 hours before I leave on vacation. DON'T be cutting into my vacation spending money!!!!

"I'll write you out a check when I get back from the cruise".

"Thanks Mom".

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